About Me
Kristy- Cake Decorator
I'm Kristy, a self taught cake decorator working from home in McGregor, Ontario
to create the perfect custom cakes and desserts for your special event. Whether
it's a birthday, a shower, a wedding or just because, you can be sure that we can
work together to make that custom sweet table come to life.
A little back story
As a child, I would help my mother bake for all our special events and at the age of 15, I started doing some baking, decorating and experimenting myself. Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes and all those fun baking TV shows really opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of the dessert world.
Then started the researching, the YouTubing, the practicing and the mess making. Baking for friends and family soon turned into friends of friends and their friends too. A birthday party here and a baby shower there, quickly turned to wedding cakes and dessert tables and the business built itself.
In 2016 Kristy's Custom Cakes became an official business and here we are today; fully licensed and read bake for you! Self taught and constantly learning new tips, tricks and techniques to make your cakes not only look amazing but taste just as delicious too.
It takes a village!
Although I am, for the most part, a one woman show; answering all the messages, giving all the quotes, baking and decorating all the goodies, and taking care of all the behind the scene paperwork, I could not a have successful business without a few significant ladies by my side. And, of course, the full support of a wonderful man and kiddos (who also love being my guinea pigs), putting up with all the late nights and messy kitchen day after day.
So to my village, I thank you a million times over!
Meet my village...

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
A chef herself, this wonderful woman has quite the creative mind and knows exactly how to perfectly arrange your flowers on your cakes and add those special touches to any sweet table set up.
Weakness: Nanaimo Bars

When you're lucky enough to have one incredible mom...
then life gives you a bonus mom too.
They like to call themselves my elves, staying behind the scene and packaging all those holiday orders, and cleaning after Tornado Kristy too. Doing all the little things that make a huge difference that no one really notices, but I sure as heck do!
Heather- Cake Pops
Janice- Peanut Butter Balls

Alone we can do so little,
Together we can do so much!
A Jill of all trades. From packaging and delivering, to labeling and taste testing, you can almost always find this beautiful face running our booth at all the craft shows!
Stop by and say Hi! She'll be sure to put a smile on your face too!
Weakness: Lemon Anything!